Travelversed Editors

The 30 Most Gay-Friendly Cities in the U.S.

There are many gay-friendly cities in the U.S. and it can be hard to choose where to visit or to live. This list offers some insights into some of the big and obvious cities like New York and San Francisco, as well as some smaller gay-friendly cities you might not know about.

30 Cities With the Highest Crime Rates in the World

If you’re planning a trip to Venezuela or Brazil in the near future, it might be a good time to start rethinking that idea. This world is full of beauty and magic: endless places to see, cultures to immerse yourself in, and people — billions of them, in fact — to meet.

19 Best Places to Raise Children in America

You’ll never be the same again once you head home from the hospital with your new baby in the backseat. Thanks to the power of technology, you can do plenty of preparation in advance of the arrival of your first child, doing everything from buying baby gear to reading books, websites, blogs, and more.

20 Most Drug Addicted Cities in America

There can be no doubt that drug addiction is becoming a burgeoning health crisis in the United States. The “drug epidemic” is, of course, nothing new. However, the United States’ thinking about this problem is much different than it used to be.

16 Most Drug-Addicted Countries in the World

Despite the advances of human civilization, particularly in the past several decades, much of the world continues to struggle with drug addiction. This problem, in fact, has only been exacerbated by the prevalence of prescription medications, which have been acting as a kind of gateway to even more dangerous drugs for many.

20 Best Places to Travel if You Are Gay

You’re gay and you’re ready for a vacation. Here’s a list of 20 hot places to visit — places that are both fun and gay friendly. Here goes!

20 Worst Places to Travel if You Are Gay

There are so many gay-friendly places to visit — why choose a place where you’re not welcome or might even be in danger? Before you book your flight, check out this list.